2013년 5월 11일 토요일

#7 Journal Reflection

SooJi Kim
#7 Journal Reflection

Please describe the concept of “Neutral Ground” what are we talking about? This is a mixed media of drawing because of the use of white chalk, please discuss the last step you used to finish the drawing

                  In the class, we were talking about drawing first in the middle while learning about how to draw 

the neutral ground. To draw neutral ground, I used eraser to draw line rather than pencil. The lines drew by 

drawing eraser are the outline of the neutral ground drawing. I drew lines to draw carefully. And then, I 

erased inside of the outline after outline was established on the sketch paper. After erased the darker value 

to make lighter portion on the sketch paper, I used cross hatching technique to show a clear contrast 

between light and shade. It seems like real a black and white photograph.

2013년 5월 10일 금요일

#1 Journal reflection

SooJi Kim
#1 Journal reflection

I draw issue that occurred in Connecticut. December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza shot his

mother, nancy lanza, and he shot schoolchildren at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

In my drawing, you can see one tree and shooting man, and several children. Tree

represents Connecticut symbol, and shooing man is Adam Lanza, and several people

represent schoolchildren of the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Also, in the middle of the

drawing represents blood of victims.

Actually, in the Unites States, people can have a gun. By this issue, I hope having a gun

should be banned to the all of the people. Especially, Adam Lanza should get heavy

punishment. I am really sorry about this issue.

In my drawing, I draw dead schoolchildren on the right side. I really felt that gun should be

vanished in the world. People can be sacrificed by some offenders. I really want that

victims should be reduced caused by suspected person.

# 10 Journal / Reflection Ink wash Self-Portrait (Dramatic Lightning)

# 10 Journal / Reflection Ink wash Self-Portrait (Dramatic Lightning)

Explain weather you used a photo of yourself or did you sit in front of a mirror to draw your self portrait. Also, explain and describe the areas in your drawing that you used three brush techniques.

To draw Ink Wash Self-Portrait, I used my photo. Before starting to draw on the sketch

paper, I used the grid into 8 portions on the both sketch paper and my photo. The grid

helps me to draw exact size of the photo on the sketch pad. After that, I started to draw

the lines using pencil. After that I used the calligraphic mark pen. Mostly, I used this

calligraphic mark pen on the part of my face. And also I used this pen to draw my hair.

This calligraphic mark pen helps me to draw in more detail. I learned in the class that I

should use three brush techniques for Ink Wash Self-Portrait drawing. Techniques of the

three brushes are wet on wet, wet on dry, and dry on dry. For wet to wet technique, I

painted on the sketch pad using wet brush. And again I painted same part of the wet

paper with a black ink. I used this technique on the backside of my portrait. To make a

darker value, I mixed more black ink with water. And then, I mixed more water with black

ink to make a light value. Also, I painted mixture of black ink and water on the dry sketch

paper. And last, I painted using only black ink on the sketch paper to use dry on dry

technique. I used the dry on dry technique for drawing my black t-shirt.

Journal # 9 Interior Drawing.

Journal # 9 Interior Drawing.

- Discuss how you have incorporated the seven techniques for showing the illusion.

I drew the horizontal line which is the linear perspective technique for dividing the up and

down. And also I used on point perspective in this line. And to make orthogonal

technique for 2 point perspective, I added two wings each upper side of the sketch pad. I

used this 2 point perspective while drawing my interior drawing. It helps me to draw the

interior drawing, and this drawing was looked like three-dimensional. For drawing my

interior drawing, mostly I used two and one point perspective technique. And while

drawing, I used overlapping technique. It helped me drawing the objects one over the

other, and they are looks like separate and in different space on the floor. This technique

helped me drawing the desk on the living room. It helped me when I draw the other

furniture on the living room. I also used size variation technique for drawing the interior.

For example, stairs which is in the right side of the sketch pad are getting smaller.

Depending to how far from the vanishing point, the drawing had different in size. And also,

I used atmosphere perspective technique to draw the ceiling of the room. To draw looks

three-dimensional picture, I used shading using value. Commonly, I shaded using

different values in my drawing. Under the stairs, I shaded using darker value, and I shaded

suing light and dark value even on the stairs. Not even only around stairs, I shaded wall

and behind space of the TV. And Last, I used vertical placement technique. For example,

when I draw the drawer on the left side of the sketch pad, you can see that lower portion

of the line is larger than upper portion. Totally, I used seven techniques for interior


2013년 5월 9일 목요일

#8 Journal

#8 Journal

Discuss how you have incorporated the seven techniques for showing the illusion.

An incorporated the seven techniques for showing the illusion are linear perspective,

orthogonal, overlapping, shading using value, size variation, aerial or atmosphere

perspective, and vertical placement. Using linear perspective, I can draw the horizontal

lines divided up and down. I used vanishing point in the middle of this line. Using this

point, I used the apartments on the middle of the left side. This vanishing point on the

horizontal line that I drew on the little upper middle of the sketch paper is the kind of a

one point. For orthogonal technique, I made 2 points perspective drawing. I made 2 wings

on the each upper side of the sketch paper to make points. I used these 2 points while

drawing city scape drawing. If you draw using this skill, you may draw the city like real city.

Both points that I made the wings on the each side of the pad help you draw three-

dimensional city scape drawing. I also used the overlapping technique. This technique

helps me to draw the buildings which are in different space in the city. You can see I drew

the building only some part, or only upper side of the building. It looked like covering one

the other. Most in every city, there are many different size building. To draw different size

of the building, I used size variation technique. Some buildings are small, but some

buildings are tall and big. And, when buildings go farther out, I also drew the building

smaller than in the building which are in the middle of the city. I used the aerial perspective

technique when I drew the upper side of the city scape drawing. To make my drawing

looks like three-dimensional drawing, I used the shading technique. According to the

location of the sun, there may get shadows. In my city scape drawing, I chose the upper

left side on the pad. And I drew darker where sun light doesn’t shine. I also used the

vertical placement to draw different lines. These seven techniques are used for showing

the illusion of the drawing.

#6 journal reflection black paper white chalk – honest abe

#6 journal reflection black paper white chalk – honest abe

The black paper white chalk – honest abe was in-class work. When I draw this picture, I

used different technique. Actually, I mostly used the technique which is cross hatching to

make dark and light values in a composition. But at this time, I used white chalk in the

black paper. When I draw using white chalk, I drew lines using the side of the chalk. To

draw the three-dimensional picture in the black paper, I draw more lines and lighter than

other part. While drawing I shouldn’t use the contour lines to draw the outline of the

picture. So I dotted to draw the lines and used cross hatching technique which helps to

draw the shadow and value in a composition. In addition, I also draw using dot lines.

Before creating real lines for outline, I dotted first. After dotted as well, I drew the lines

clearly. When I draw the shading, I used abrupt and gradual transition. The techniques of

the abrupt and gradual transition help to create the painting a cubic effect. Generally, I

used abrupt transition around the cheek part and over the eyebrow. And I used gradual

transition around on the forehead and the hair part.

#5 journal reflection contour texture drawing – two people

#5 journal reflection contour texture drawing – two people

Before draw the contour texture drawing (two people), I found the picture which was used

to my drawing. In the picture, there are two old people look like husband and wife

exercising in the park together. They are jogging in the park. To draw the contour texture

drawing-two people, I used the grid which always helped me to draw easily and exactly.

On the sketch paper and picture that I chose for drawing the contour texture drawing, I

divided into 8 portions, and then I drew each by each in every portion of the grid. Use of

the grid helped me easy to draw separately. Also, I could draw fitting on the sketch paper.

When I draw the picture, I first drew the outline of the two people. After that, I fill up the

inside space of the outline using various figures of the surface on every different object. I

put my sketch paper on the object, and then drew the lines. I could see the surface of

the objects on the sketch paper. While drawing, mostly I drew the thick and think, and

dark and light lines for the sketch. Inside space of the two people, I used think and dark

lines. And background of the two people, I used thin and light lines. I could see the

difference between two people and the background. By using different lines, I could

describe the picture more effectively. Those lines give us more vivid impression.

#4 Crosshatch value study seated boy

#4 Crosshatch value study seated boy

I drew crosshatch value study seated boy. When I draw this picture, I used criss crossing

technique. This drawing technique is actually hard to draw the all of the picture on the

sketch paper. Before drawing, I used of the grid to draw perfect on sketch paper. Use of

the grid helped me to draw easily, and concentrate on the separate part of the drawing. I

divided my sketch paper into 8 portions, and even sample picture of the drawing. By using

the grid, I could accurately draw on the sketch paper. If I don’t use the grid, sometimes I

draw bigger or smaller. Without using the grid, I couldn’t match exactly with sample picture

and my drawing. I drew the outline of the sample picture. I drew the outline of the seated

boy. I couldn’t use contour lines for this drawing. I used criss crossing technique. I think

this new technique helps to show fine effects of light and shade. To draw lighter, I drew

the lines softly and feebly. On the contrast, to draw darker value, I drew the lines thickly.

And also, I used criss crossing technique to show darker value.

#3 Journal/ Reflection Posative/Negative Bird (second subject)

#3 Journal/ Reflection Posative/Negative Bird (second subject)

To draw the bird on my sketch paper, I really considered what way I should draw in the

background of the bird. My final consideration was drawing the pattern in the background

of the bird. I thought that the pattern will make bird drawing look better. So, I drew several

patterns for examples before drawing on the sketch paper. While drawing some

examples, I thought that simple pattern will make a fine show. I drew the background

using simple pattern and kind of dark background. My thought was that the kind of dark

background brought out and more emphasized the bird drawing. To draw the background,

I drew many vertical and horizontal lines on the background of the bird drawing. After drew

the lines, there were many rectangular spaces. So, I drew an oblique line again in the

each rectangular space. And then, of the two triangle space in the rectangular space, I fill

up the one triangle space with a pencil. Also, use of grid help me a lot to draw. I used the

grid on my sketch paper and even on the sample of drawing. It helped me easy to draw.

#2 Journal/reflection Contour Picasso drawing

#2 Journal

When I draw the Picasso drawing, I drew upside-down. It was interesting to draw

because I had never been drawing like this. At first time, it looks hard to draw. I thought 

that “how can draw this drawing upside-down.” But drawing upside-down was easier than 

to drawing properly. When drawing upside-down, it would help our right brain, the part 

which is creative. Using a right portion of brain helped me concentrate more on the lines 

and the space. In addition, I can draw every line delicately. Also using a grid was really 

helpful to draw because it would help to draw each of the portions separately. My sketch 

paper was also divided into 8 portions. I just followed the line which is drawn in every 

portion. It was really easy to follow the each of the line. Also I can focus only drawing the 

lines, not over all images. When I draw, I started upper left side first and next side. Grid 

help to draw each by each, and it would make me easy while drawing.