2013년 5월 9일 목요일

#5 journal reflection contour texture drawing – two people

#5 journal reflection contour texture drawing – two people

Before draw the contour texture drawing (two people), I found the picture which was used

to my drawing. In the picture, there are two old people look like husband and wife

exercising in the park together. They are jogging in the park. To draw the contour texture

drawing-two people, I used the grid which always helped me to draw easily and exactly.

On the sketch paper and picture that I chose for drawing the contour texture drawing, I

divided into 8 portions, and then I drew each by each in every portion of the grid. Use of

the grid helped me easy to draw separately. Also, I could draw fitting on the sketch paper.

When I draw the picture, I first drew the outline of the two people. After that, I fill up the

inside space of the outline using various figures of the surface on every different object. I

put my sketch paper on the object, and then drew the lines. I could see the surface of

the objects on the sketch paper. While drawing, mostly I drew the thick and think, and

dark and light lines for the sketch. Inside space of the two people, I used think and dark

lines. And background of the two people, I used thin and light lines. I could see the

difference between two people and the background. By using different lines, I could

describe the picture more effectively. Those lines give us more vivid impression.

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